Thursday, November 8, 2012

Well, This is Awkward

Remember all of this hair coloring trouble I've been having? (Here's the most recent post).

I received a voicemail from Stylist #1 (who effed up majorly) saying: "Hi Hannah, I was looking in my book for next week and I saw that you're scheduled for highlights with me but that the following week you're scheduled with (Stylist #2).  I see that you came in after I saw you last and had (Stylist #2) do some low and highlights.  Apparently you didn't like how my work turned out.  Anyways, I was just wondering if you still want to see me or if you'll be switching to Stylist #2 now on?"

To which I promptly called and cancelled both appointments.  I'm going to give my old stylist back home another try.  She recently opened a salon and I'm excited to see how it goes come Thanksgiving weekend.

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