The night of Grayson's birth, when the nurse checked his vitals, his blood sugar level was low. They sent a sample to the lab to verify the reading and it came back even lower than initially measured (a 12; which we were told is critically low. The ideal within the first four hours of life is above 40). Because of this, it was determined that he should go to the NICU for an IV to give him some sugar water to try to raise the levels.
Ben went with into the NICU and I stayed in our room to recover and rest. The poor guy; the nurses tried for over an hour to get an IV in and nothing seemed to work. Ultimately they decided that his head was the best spot. They tried one location and hit an artery :( Finally, they find a place on the side of his side that was successful.
It was suggested that in addition to the IV, I try to nurse him and pump to bring in my milk as well as give him donor milk or formula. We requested that donor milk be given and we started a trifecta of feeding: nursing, pumping and donor milk bottles. My first pumping session was so bizarre and foreign. I was in our room by myself while Ben was in NICU with Gray. I didn't get much (I think 5ml?) but within 24 hours I was able to pump 20-48ml in a session, which was enough to eliminate donor's milk! I nursed and then Ben feed him a bottle of pumped milk. In the 24 hours, Grayson's blood sugar levels sky rocketed and we were able to remove the IV.
He was monitored for the next 12 hours and approximately 36 hours after going to NICU, he was released back to our recovery room. I had gone back to the room to shower (my first delivering, amen!) and when I got out of the shower I called out to see who was in the room. Ben responded, "no one that cares if you're naked". I put on my robe and walked out to see Ben and Gray snuggled today. It was a heart stopping moment.

Room Service
That first night with Grayson in our room (Thursday, 9/7), we ordered room service for dinner. They quoted us an hour wait so I decided to pump after ordering. Within 20 minutes of our order being placed, there was a knock on the door. Sure enough, it was room service. I was mid-pump and didn't want to stop, so Ben apparently did the most logical thing he could think of and threw a blanket over me and my head to tell room service to come in.
I was sitting under the blanket, feeling both awkward and hysterical. Neither of us could keep a straight face as room service came and asked where to set the food. I'm sure the guy got a kick out of my sitting there like a ghost. He asked if there was anything else we needed and from under the blanket, between laughter, I said, no thank you so much. I literally peed my pants!

While in the NICU the second night (Wednesday, 9/6) I had finished nursing and Ben was holding Grayson, feeding him a bottle. All of a sudden we heard a big squirt and Ben said, uhhh he basically just pooped in my hand! Because he'd been in the NICU for about a day, we hadn't changed any diapers yet and didn't know where they were. I called the nurse and when she came in, Ben changed his first ever human diaper.

We left the hospital on Friday, 9/8, Grayson's due date. Things were surprisingly easy at home. At this point my milk production had been so good that we eliminated pumping sessions and went to regular nursing sessions.
We decided to leave Oscar at the kennel the first night so that we could see how things went and they went! Gray poops/pees, eats and sleeps. Saturday Ben picked up Oscar with a blanket in hand. O smelled it briefly in the car but didn't pay much attention. In the house, he really didn't notice Grayson much until he started crying. Then Osc became very curious. Now, three days later, Oscar will sometimes cry along with Grayson (which is awful) but most of the time he just wants to sit was is going on. We're so grateful Oscar is tolerating this change. We didn't think it would go as well as it is.
We have worked to establish an overnight routine. When Grayson cries, I'll wake Ben for a diaper change, he'll change him and bring him to me to nurse. Our third night home (Sunday, 9/10), Ben was doing a change and started yelling and laughing from the bathroom. I asked if he needed help and he said, yea come in here. We experienced our first pee fountain. Ben had opened the diaper to change and as he did, Grayson started peeing the perfect arch, getting pee all over the bathroom floor :)

My recovery is going well. I was worried about stairs and energy levels. The first several days I didn't leave the house and my walks were limited to the main floor of the house. Monday (6 days pp), we took our first family walk up the street to get coffee. I've not needed narcotics for pain, but have been sticking with 800mg of ibuprofen. Although, instead of the maximum allowed 4 doses a day, I'm taking 2-3 depending how the timing works out.
Today, at one week pp, I decided to put on the belly binder band my OB gave me a script for. What a difference! I was worried to put it on too soon, but it is offering a lot of support. The compression is great for all of the deep belly laughs Ben and I are sharing as we navigate our way into parenthood.

Grayson is latching and eating well. It's better than I expected. It's not painful and he eats relatively quick, 20-30 minute sessions every 2-3 hours for the most part. This has allowed us to get solid chunks of sleep, so much so that I haven't hit a point of exhaustion.
I also have to say how wonderful it is having Ben. He's the best support I could ask for. Diaper changes, laundry, grocery shopping, meals, meds and water; he's got it all covered for us. He's the perfect partner!

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